Thursday, April 11, 2019

Events Happening....Come Join Us!

*Wednesday, April 17th – Community Lenten service with lunch at the local Methodist Church.  The service is at noon; lunch is served by our church at both 11:30 and 12:30. 

*Thursday, April 18th – Holy Thursday supper and Lord's Supper.  Join us at 6 pm for a fellowship meal of ancient foods like vegetables, chicken, eggs, olives, bread, and grapes.  After supper, we will celebrate communion at our supper tables, just like Jesus did with his disciples.  

*Friday, April 19th – Good Friday service at noon.  Join us for a quiet time with our God and one another as we remember the meaning of Jesus' death.    Harpsichord, prayer, Jesus' words.

*Sunday, April 21st is Easter Sunday.  Join us on this holy morning as we praise God for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We'll have organ, harpsichord and oboe accompanying the choir and congregation, and we'll flower the cross and share the Lord's Supper. Please bring flowers from your garden to decorate our Easter flower cross.