Tuesday, December 4, 2018


The season of Advent is not so much about our own preparing and waiting to see what God is going to do, but rather about God waiting to see how we are going to respond to what God has already done. Is our faith challenged because our Scriptures tell us that Mary, a virgin, gave birth? Or do we excitedly—like a child, even—ask "what could this mean for us?" Running toward the story of God's coming to earth as a babe, not away from it, helps us conclude rightly that if God did the impossible in Mary and Joseph's lives, God can help us live through the impossible events of our lives, too. Read Scripture from that perspective and we discover the whole Bible is the Christmas story told over and over again. That's good for those of us who have faced many a time when we thought we just could not make it another day. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Save The Date: Chamber Concert

Sunday, Aug 19th, there will be an afternoon Chamber Concert featuring:
Alyssa McKeithen - oboe, Tabatha Easley - flute, and Tiffany Valvo - clarinet
In continuing our series of music programs at TPC, we are happy to have three talented VCU music instructors perform for us and our community.  Be sure to put the date on your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bake Sale

Tappahannock Farmer's Market- April 21st
The churches of Essex County come together to host a bake sale at the Tappahannock Farmer's Market in order to help fund Operation Inasmuch. Please come see us and bring your sweet tooth!! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Good Friday Service

On March 30th at 7 pm the church will offer a service of Scripture readings and music as we remember the gift of life Jesus gave for us.  Join us to deepen your awareness of the journey Jesus walked for us.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

One Great Hour of Sharing


April 1st is Easter....Please come and join us for our Easter service and fellowship. If you would like please bring a flower from your yard to flower the cross. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Save the Date - Family Night Supper

MARCH 14—Family Night Supper at 6 pm.  Come out to celebrate your church family and have a meal together.  We will have an intergenerational activity after supper, planting plants in small planters that can then be taken to people living in local facilities.  


February 21, 2018 -TPC will host the community Lenten luncheon at the Methodist church. Lunch is at 11:30am or 12:30pm with a brief Lenten service at noon. Vicki will offer the devotion that day.  Come join us!!